In the midst of the AI revolution, a single question burned in my brain: Can free AI image generators create a photorealistic image based on the following prompt?Cat picking daisiesNote that this devilishly difficult task includes three parts, two of which are not particularly difficult: cats and daisies. It is the action that proved difficult.Nonetheless, the results of our testing were intriguing. Although image quality varied greatly, the range of imaginative responses is encouraging for the use of AI image generators as tools for creative expression. While all images included here are the first iteration, these can be considered a starting point, to which users can apply carefully crafted prompts to shape and edit the results.To use Adobe Firefly image generator, a free account is required. Provided are four aspect ratios, and dozens of styles, themes, and techniques. Users’ free generative credit countsai image generator free reset each month automatically, albeit with a somewhat complicated scheme for tracking those credits.RESULTS: You don’t want to meet any of these cats in real life.This AI image generator automatically detects if you’re signed into a Microsoft account, making it easy to start creating images right away. Start with 100 credits, then apply rewards points accumulated within your MSN account for more. Save, download, or customize your images. The platform applies controls to prevent potentially harmful image generation and includes a modified Bing icon in the bottom left corner of each image to indicate that the image was created using Image Creator.RESULTS: Perhaps the most realistic set of images was generated by the Bing platform. Not only were the cat faces and flowers highly photo-realistic, but also the action depicted came close to the prompt challenge. To be fair, one must note that by depicting only closeups of cat heads, with no limbs or bodies, Bing narrowed the scope of difficulty. Perhaps this is part of its intelligence!This relatively spare site is easy to use, but slower than average and offers only three style options for free users. To get faster results, buy a plan priced from $5-$20/monthly. Free results are aut……
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In the dawn of the online AI era, there were tons of free image generator options to create AI-generated images for free. Now, most of us have run out of our free 25 Midjourney credits. It’s harder to find places to make free AI art.Luckily, I have trawled through many (many!) websites and landed on these seven sites that will let you make just about any AI image. Every AI image generator on this list is:I’ll use the same prompt (“cat in a cozy treehouse cafe, reading a book. cinematic style”) for each generative AI tool, so you’ll be able to easily compare each art generator for your needs.Look at this cute lil man! I’d love to be this cat. Credit: Canva AI art generatorI love using Canva* for a lot of my branding needs, so I was excited to see they offer a free online AI image generator.All you have to do is make an account (for free), write your prompt, and download your image. Then use the image generator to make whatever you need.There are no watermarks or costs for downloading it. It also offers a few suggested image styles. You can easily change the image aspect ratio, though you only get three styles: portrait, landscape, or square.Only three image aspect ratio choices. Also, there’s a cap — as a free user, you’ll only ever get 50 lifetime credits.Great for simple AI art creation. Not a lot of fine-tuning options, though. Also, expensive once you run out of your free generations. Canva Pro costs $14.99 per month to get 500 monthly text-to-image credits.These images were free to generate, but at what cost. I dare you to look ai image generator free closely into these cats’ souls. Source: CraiyonI’ve reviewed Craiyon here. I wasn’t a huge fan back then, but I’ve come around to it a little more now. For one, it’s truly free-free. You get unlimited credits. You also have more fine-tuned control with negative words allowed, so you can guide the art more carefully.Go ham with unlimited tries at your art. If you’re not a huge fan, you can also “upscale” as I did for this fellow. And more fine-tuning control, as I mentioned, with the negative word options.I feel bad saying this, but the art sucked, and I mean that in a spiritual way. The cats I generated gave me the h……